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NorCal Convergence May 13, 2023

Updated: Jun 3, 2023


PAX: @Party Hat@Mixalot@Fort Knox Scoops, Griz, @Yolk’d@Sunshine , Ace, Sportscenter, Roadrunner, Mockingjay, K9, @Jigsaw@Dolittle@Sherpa@homie@Firecracker , Sunscreen, @Skippy, Bookworm, Bloom, Streak, @Bounceback@Grizzly, Happy Trails, @Crumpet , Sugar Mama, Double Duty, Plié, @Cupcake , Rocket, FNG-Michelin, FNG-Bubbles, FNG-Happy Tree, FNG-Free Fall, FNG-Hops, FNG- Thrusher


10 Grady Corns IC

10 Cherry Pickers IC

10 Rocket Squats IC

10 Smurf Jacks OYO

Fast feet- head, shoulders, knees, cone (partner up, Q calls different commands, fast feet while commands are called)

The Thang

Place PAX in groups of 3, each group completes the following. Once one set is complete, PAX pick a conversation starter and run a lap. Rinse and repeat as many rounds as you can in 25 minutes.

25 Minute AMRAP

5 Burpees

10 Seal Push-up

15 Squat Raises

20 Star Jacks

15 Squat Raises

10 Seal Push-ups

5 burpees

Captain Thor to 5

Split group in two groups. Tall cones vs short cone tic tac toe…. While groups are playing rest of the PAX hold:

Plank, Squat, Glute Bridge, Superman, choice hold

Line all pax in two groups, Russian twist with a ball down and back.

Stay in lines stand, squat, pass over/under until ball gets to end, pax at end runs ball to the front. Rinse and repeat 3 times.


COT- Importance of FiA, congratulations @Yolk’d on 50 workouts

Name-a-rama- Welcome to all of our FNGs!!

Announcements: Friday at TBHS set to launch 5/26, Q Calendar up until July!! Forgot to mention it, but save the date for 6/3 we will be holding a town hall to discuss all things FiA Placer- including how to get more involved with leadership- come ready with all the questions!!


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