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Backblast May 27, 2023 (The Torch)

That Thang: WOD for Sgt Sam Nichols + his wife Erin

Warm up: 10 jumping jacks in cadence

S: 200 sumo squats E: elbow plank 1m30s R: 30 reverse crunches I: 30 IYT super woman N: 30 narwhals 50 yd carry A: 200 abs (LBCs) E-R-I-N + carry M: 200 mountain climbers E-R-I-N + carry

COT: Sgt Sam Nichols/USMC survived a roadside bomb in Iraq but suffered a traumatic brain injury. His wife Erin took care of him for 13 years until his death in 2020. Their love story was incredibly inspiring; Erin is in the process of publishing a book about it. Follow the progress of Erin's book:


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