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Backblast May 29, 2023 (Vortex)

  • 10 Forward Arm Circles IC

  • 10 Backward Arm Circles IC

  • 10 Cherry Pickers IC

Thang -Pick a Coupon to use the rest of the workoutMosey (with Coupons) to exercise station -Lunge Walk to next lightpostMosey to the fenceDORA for time -Partner 1 exercises until Partner 2 returns -Partner 2 moseys with Coupon to the middle lightpost -Repeat for 5 min and switch exerciseExercises:

  • Squat with overhead press

  • Froggers

Mosey to exercise station -30 sec plank -Lunge Walk to next lightpostMosey back to the FlagAbs with Coupons

  • 15 Russian Twists IC

  • 15 Rainbows (2=1)

  • 15 Offset glute bridges each side

  • LBCs until Q says stop

  • 1 min Plank

CoT Everything will become a memory, some will be good but some will be bad. The bad ones can become good ones with a change of perspective. Each bad memory can be something you learn and grow from. We can choose how we label the memories we make, so don't let the fear of making bad memories prevent you from making any memories.


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