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Backblast September 9, 2023 (The Torch)

The Countdown for Fall

Warm ups

Rockettes in cadence (10)

Michael Phelps (10)

Door knobs (10)

Windmills in (10)


100 squats

90 mountain climbers

80 bicycles

70 lunges with weights

60 dumbbell swings

Run a lap around parking lot

Get a drink of water

50 sumo squats with weights

40 shoulder press with weights

30 renegade rows with weights

20 chest press with weights

10 burpees

Run a lap around parking lot

Get a drink


Dead bugs (20)

Big Girl Sit ups (20)

Starfish crunch (20)

Reverse Leg crunch (20)



COT: Find the Joy in each day! My joy for today is getting to work out with all of you, thank you for pushing yourselves today through the hard things and working hard!


Q calendars are up for October and still a few spots in September.

Details of Health Accountability Challenge will be coming out soon; look for details on Slack

Saturday, September 23, come out and cheer on @Spartan as she does her 100 miles in 48 hours!!! Details to come

September book club: Sunday, September 24th, 5:30 potluck dinner and book discussion

Book is The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue

Halloween Party with F3 : Saturday, October 28 from 6-9pm



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