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Backblast September 30, 2023 (The Torch)

Q: TeenieBopper

PAX: @Adventure@sunnyside@Jelly@Jigsaw@Fort Knox @diva (former FNG) @sketch (2.0)

That thang: each PAX randomly selected workout cards from the deck

inchworms x 20

Single arm front raises x25

Water bottle squat thrusters x25

Sparky Crab x20

Lying side leg lifts x15 each side

Jump squats x20

Reverse plank kicks x20

Bent over flys x25

Run 1 lap around basketball court

Hip raises x25

Flutter kicks x20

Toe taps x30

Tricep kickbacks x20

Snap jumps x25

Fire hydrant x30

High knees x20

Squat to side leg raises x20

Run 1 lap around basketball court

Jackknife sit-ups x20

Mountain climbers x20

Alternating curtsy lunges x20

Shoulder press x30

COT: do stuff that scares you. (I was terrified of leading but I am still alive!!)


10/28 Halloween Party

11/18 Friendsgiving

12/17 Christmas party



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