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Backblast September 27, 2023 (The Salon)


Lab around the small loop

The Thang:Perform exercise on one side of the parking lot, travel to the other side, perform next exercise, and travel back. Complete next set.

15 mountain climbers

Lunge walk to other side (with weights)

15 jumping jacks

(leave weights) Lunge walk back

15 high knees

Duck walk to other side

15 sumo squats with weights

Duck walk back

15 monkey humpers

Karaoke to other side

15 OH press with weights

Karaoke back

15 flutter kicks

Broad jump to other side

15 bent over rows

Broad jump back

15 plank jacks

Side shuffle to other side

15 sumo calf raises with weights

Side shuffle back

15 Russian twists

Duck walk to other side

15 bicep curls

Duck walk back

15 plank shoulder taps

Karaoke to other side

15 glute bridges with weights

Karaoke back

15 donkey kicks

Lunge walk to other side

15 Raggedy Ann’s with weights

Lunge walk back

“Line” of fire

Pax takes turns doing first exercise while everyone else does second exercise until the whole line has had a turn.

10 merkins / side plank

10 tricep dips / flutter kicks

10 plank jacks / dollys

10 big girl sit-ups / other side plank

10 sparky crabs / narwhals


See pictureAnnouncements:

10/28 Halloween party

11/18 Friendsgiving

12/17 Christmas party



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