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Backblast September 8, 2023 (The Stampede)

Warm up: Neck stretches Arm stretches

The Thang: Each exercise 2 x for 30 sec/10 sec rest


  1. Squats

  2. Side lunge R

  3. Side lunge L

  4. Sumo squat

  5. Reverse lunge R

  6. Reverse lunge L

  7. Romanian deadlift

  8. Step up R

  9. Step up L

Run the stairs in between sets


  1. Glute kickback R

  2. Glute kickback L

  3. Side leg lift R

  4. Side leg lift L

  5. Dolly

  6. Leg scissors

  7. Deadbug

  8. Knees up

  9. V-leg touch

CoT: “Obedience will set you free” In my younger, not wanting to follow all the rules, I never understood how that would make me free until I noticed while not wearing my seatbelt I had to always look over my shoulder & around every intersection for the police. No freedom there! If I just wear the dang seatbelt I could focus on driving and be free of worry as well as being safer.


  • Q calendar is open so fill in Sept & check out Oct.

  • Check FiA channels, for book club, & upcoming events.



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