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Backblast September 2, 2023 (The Torch)

Warm up

10 big arm circles forward/backwards

Stretch each side across body for 10-15 seconds each side

10 cherry pickers in cadence

10 jumping jacks in cadence

Mosey to Basketball Court

The Thang:

Paincakes: 1 BG sit up, roll over 1 push up; roll over 2 BG sit ups, roll over 2 push ups; until you get to 10 - then count back down

Superman Banana: Superman position, hold until Q calls out, “Banana!!” Roll over without dropping arms/legs, hold position until Q calls out, “Superman!!” Then repeat (hold each position for 30 second intervals for 3 1/2 min)

False Starts: plank position, jump in/out, do two plank jacks = 1; 10 Reps

Tricep dips: 30 count, rest for 10 seconds, 30 count

Achin’ Legs w/twist: 20 Squats, 20 Surrenders, 10 lunge in place right leg/then left leg, 20 jump squats, 20 monkey humpers

Mosey from basketball courts to baseball field fence and back

Inchworm to half court, bear crawl from half court to other side, inchworm back to half court, bear crawl back to starting position

Cooldown: Aba-Rama; Each Pax chooses Ab Exercise and count of their choice

COT: I’ve found myself under more stress between work, school, and home life since kids returned to school; I got in a “funk” the last week and worked on changing my perspective of how I thought everything should go, and started to change my expectations. I can’t control everything and worrying over the things I can’t change will not help anyone. Some fun reminders I want to share: “wake up with determination and go to bed with satisfaction” “the body achieves what the mind believes”

Announcements: Q calendar is open through Oct, still need Q’s for Sept, sign up!!!

Details of health accountability challenge will be coming out soon; look for details on Slack.

Monday, Sept. 4: NEW LOCATION!!! Then breakfast with FIA (after our am workout)

Saturday, September 23: cheer on Spartan 9pm-whenever:). Details to follow

September Book Club: Sunday, September 24 5:30pm, potluck dinner and book discussion :)

This month’s choice is: The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue

Saturday, October 28: Fia/f3 Halloween Party

6-9pm. More details to come

As always, thank you ladies for joining me and always making it a fun time!!



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