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Backblast September 19, 2023 (The Wild West)

Backblast 9/19

Q: Chedda


Warm up

10 Micheal Phelps

10 Cherry Pickers

10 Rockettes

10 Squats

The Thang: Spell your……

Round 1: Spell your favorite drinks 10 min AMRP

Round 2: Spell your FiA/Birth name 10 Min AMRP

Round 3: Spell your favorite sport 10 min AMRP

(See picture below)

Finisher: Moby Flower Squats


9/23 9pm - come help cheer on Spartan. Details and HC on the events channel

9/24 6:30pm - Book club potluck dinner hosted by Cross-X

10/28 6pm - FiA/F3 Halloween party hosted by Bronte and Jigsaw

11/18 Friendsgiving hosted by Queen B

12/17 Christmas party hosted by Dollywood



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