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Backblast September 15, 2023 (The Stampede)

10 grassgrabbers IC

10 Imperial walkers IC

15 grady corns IC

Down dog calf stretches

The thang

10 reps alternating between 2 exercises for 5 minutes, then go around the grass circle using the mode of transportation. Start back on exercises where you left off. Move on to next round when 80 reps. are done (40 each exercise).

Round 1

Flying squirrels (Spartan burpee with star jump at the end) / ww3 situps (American pie sit up with minii-coupon overhead press at beginning and again in sitting position) / MOT coupon lunge walk

Round 2

Block over burpees (1 is 1) / no-cheat merkins / MOT murder bunniesRound 3

Thrusters / Jillian Michael's (angry Donkey & jumping double knee slap) / MOT rifle carry

PAX were impressive, getting to 60 on Round 3 before time ran out.

Way to embrace the suck, @Cupcake and @Sherpa!!

COT: Romans 8:21b If God is for us, who can be against us?



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