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Backblast May 25, 2023 (The Wild West)

Warm Up :

10 - small arm circles forward & back

10 - large arm circles forward & back

10 - doorknobs

10 - frankensteins

10 - hip circles

The Thang:


S- sumo squats 15

U - up up down down 10

M - mountain climbers 20, 2 is 1

M - monkey humpers 20

E - elevated plank 30 seconds

R - Russian twist 20 2 is 1

T - tri cep extension15

I - inchworm 10

M - mercins15

E - elbow plank 30 seconds

Mosey around the grass after each round

(4 rounds completed)

Core :

20 each



Reverse Crunch

Flutter Kicks


Cool Down :

Child pose & stretches

CoT :

Happiness is a choice. School is winding down and life can feel busy and heavy, so find the happiness and let that be your focus. (Text me if you need happiness sent your way)


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  • FIA Bookclub on Tuesday- see channel

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