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Backblast May 22, 2023 (Vortex)

Updated: Jun 3, 2023

  • Frankenstein IC x11

  • Windmills IC x11

-Mosey to the street

  • Carolina Dry Docks x11

  • Zebras IC x11

  • Peter Parkers IC x11

-Run backward up the hill (switch to normal mosey if/when you need to)

  • Carolina Dry Docks x11

  • Zebras IC x11

  • Peter Parkers IC x11

-Mosey back down the hill

  • Carolina Dry Docks x11

  • Zebras IC x11

  • Peter Parkers IC x11

-Mosey back by picnic tables and partner upPartner 1 does exercise and Partner 2 does a circle

  1. Burpees + 1-2 laps without sandbag

  2. Plank + 1 lap with sandbag

  3. Burpees + 1-2 laps without sandbag

  4. Wall sit + 1 lap with sandbag

Each group does each set once

  • Hip Raises IC x11

  • Mermaids IC x11 each side

  • Dead Bugs IC x11

CoT "God is faithful and He will not let you be tested beyond your strength, but with the testing He will also provide the way ouy so that you may be able to endure it." 1 Corinthians 10:12-14


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