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Backblast June 29, 2023 (The Wild West)

“Do it for yourself” workout at the Wild West VQ- @Monarch

PAX- @Party Hat@QueenB@Nomad- Regional Q@Cross-X - Social Q FNG Footprints + FNG Lady of the Mist

Warm Up: (40 seconds of excercise, 10 seconds break for each) Arm swings, Reverse Lunge w/ reach, Knee ups- high knees with arm pulls, Small circling arms, Hip circles

- water break -

The Thang:

(30 seconds workout, 20 seconds for transition) DB Squat (dumb bell), DB Squat Pulse, DB Goblet squat (feet closer together)

-water break-

DB Sumo Good Morning (hinge at DB on shoulder),

DB Sumo Deadlift, DB Reverse Lunge alternating legs

-break + walk a lap-

DB Alternating Forward Lunges, DB Glute Bridge, DB Fire hydrant (left then right)

-water break-

*Repeat The Thang.

Cool Down Stretch (40 seconds, 10 seconds transition): Wide leg Stretch, Deep Squat Stretch, Moving Calf Sweep, & Monarch Stretch

C.O.T: Thanks you for not being M.I.A. for F.I.A. Grateful for all of you who keep showing up. Keep growing physically in our strength and relationships not only in FiA, but in our work, family, and other friend relationships as well.


Announcements: July 8th Family Picnic at Veteran’s Park 11am, Book Club



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