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Backblast June 28, 2023 (The Salon)

Warm up

Mosey to grab a coupon

The Thang:

Mosey to hill

Partner up

One Pax runs up hill, stopping at cones for 5 squats (don’t forget that coupon ladies)

Other PAX performs exercises with coupon

Dead lift

Bicep curls

Overhead press (coupon sure got heavy)

Switch… 2 rounds…

Mosey to drop off coupon, but wait it’s time for Dirty Thirty… (all excersises will now be 30 reps)

With coupon 30 calf raises…

NOW we can put coupon back

Mosey(run) to the tablesGrab a ball, on the ground, time for some ABS

30 of each

Leg tucks

Up & Under

Side slams each side

Plank ball tap

Toe touches…

COT… Dont let fear stop you…



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