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Backblast June 24, 2023 (The Torch)

Warm up:

20 each forward arm circles, backward arm circles, shoulder rolls, forward leg swings, side leg swings, hip swings

That Thang:

"Hold School" 🪿

PAX get into a circle and everyone holds a squat while the "it" goes around the circle tagging each person. Each "duck" does a jump squat when tagged, but the "goose" has to race the "it" around the circle back to the original spot.15 sec hold x 2 sets:

Chest flys high/low

Row to kickback R/L

Goal post to overhead press

Triceps extension to goalpost R/L30 sec hold x 2 sets:

Bird dog R/L

Dead bug R/L

Slow froggy in/out45 sec x 1 set

Donkey kick hold R/L

Glute bridge hold

Superman hold

Elbow plank hold

Hollow hold

COT: This year a challenging work environment motivated me to get to FiA regularly (who knew a crappy boss would be good for my fitness journey ) and I'm happy with the results, which allow me to keep up with life and kids. Thank you, FiA!

Announcements :

Book club 6/27

Family picnic 7/8



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