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Backblast June 10, 2023 (The Torch)

Updated: Jun 20, 2023


Jumping jacks x10

Cherry pickers x10

Grass grabbers x10

The Thang:

Divide into two groups and set mats at each end of the blacktop a decent distance apart.

Group 1 does Exercise A while Group 2 does Exercise B. When Group 1 returns, switch. Repeat twice before moving on to the next round of exercises.

Round 1

A: run to the far mats, do 15 merkins, run back

B: plank jacks

Round 2

A: run to far mats, lunge walk back

B: squats

Round 3

A: run to far mats, do 20 monkey humpers, run back

B: plank shoulder taps

Round 4

A: run to far mats, bear crawl or duck walk back

B: big girl sit ups with weight

Round 5

A: karaoke to far mats, do 20 tricep dips, karaoke back

B: Russian twists with weight

Achin’ Arms

Do exercises without stopping beginning with 8 reps of all, then 4 reps, and then 1 rep

Bicep curls

Forward lat raises

Side arm raises

Tricep kickbacks

Overhead presses

Achin’ Legs

Do exercises without stopping beginning with 8 reps of all, then 4 reps, and then 1 rep

Right forward lunge pulses

Right side lunge pulses

Right back lunge pulses

Left back lunge pulses

Left side lunge pulses

Left forward lunge pulses


Truthfully, I’ve really been struggling with my motivation to work out lately. I dread it the night before and contemplate un-HCing in the morning and my effort isn’t great. But I’m committed to just showing up no matter what. Moving my body at all is better than nothing. I know my motivation will return eventually (probably after a few days off school and some sleep) but in the meantime I’m just going to keep showing up even if that’s the best I can do.



6/11 pool party at @QueenB’s house

6/27 book club

7/8 family picnic



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