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Backblast July 24, 2023 (Vortex)

FiA’s Second Birthday Workout

Warm up: 20 jumping jacks

That Thang

Monkey See

Pax pair off. The first person performs one glute bridge while the partner holds a squat. The partner has to do two glute bridges while the first person holds a squat. Continue alternating for 5 minutes.

Medicine ball pass and run

2 teams pass the ball in a crunch position, jumping up and running to the end of the line after passing.

Cone Up/Cone Down OR “Cleaning up after a 2-year-old”

20+ cones are randomly spread over the playing field. Pax split into 2 teams. Down team knocks over the cones, while Up Team sets them right side up. Down Team does a jump squat with each knock-over; the Up Team does a squat to grab each cone. After 1 minute, most cones up/down wins. Teams then switch it up for 4 rounds.

Balloon game (which became a medicine ball game due to high winds)

PAX number off. Everyone planks in a large circle outside the boundary. #1 slams the ball into the circle and calls out the number of another person. #2 runs to the center and slams the ball and calls out another number. 1 round, 3 minutes.

Extreme duck-duck-goose (everyone holds bear crawl position; “it” walks around and tags “duck, duck, goose.” Both bear crawl around the circle in opposite directions; first back to the original goose’s spot wins.

COT: What’s been your favorite FiA moment?


BBQ/pool party this Friday!

#fiaplacerevents#aothewildwest changes from Thursday to Tuesday starting August 1. Time and place do not change!

Book club resumes in August #fiabookclub

Ruck/hike on 8/27 - more info coming soon



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