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Backblast July 15, 2023 (The Torch)


Mosey to the shade (it’s was a one)

Shake your arms out on the way

The Thang:

5 trees (in the shade) 2 cones at each tree

Start at cone on sidewalk

Lunge walk to cones by trees, perform exercise 21 times, run back to starting cone, 21 jumping jacks, then lunge walk to next cone, etc… Repeat until you have gotten to each cone.. exercises below….

Boy Bands

Russian Twist

Donkey Kicks

Plank leg raises

Monkey Humpers

Plank shoulder taps

Glute Bridge

Dolly low

Mountain climbers

Row boats

15 minutes left,

walk the park to cool down Thank you ladies, we were small but mighty and sweaty today…

COT : There’s not one body type that equates to success. Accept the body you have and be the best you can be with it.


FiA gear orders

2 year anniversary 7/24

7/28 B-Bque

8/27 Ruck 7:00am Quarry Trail, out & back..



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