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Backblast July 14, 2023 (The Stampede)

That thang:

Up and down the bleachers 2 x, exercise at the bottom of each round:

  1. Sideways squats/20 incline push-ups + Peter Parkers

  2. Low lunge/20 tricep dips + Rockettes

  3. Box jumps/20 bleacher bugs

Pyramid: Up and down the bleachers (run, walk, crawl -- just move!) 1 minute, 30 sec rest 2 minutes, 30 sec rest 3 minutes, 30 sec rest 2 minutes, 30 sec rest 1 minute, 30 sec restAbs: 20 each: Russian twists with legs in table top, bicycles, boat canoes, + 100s

COT: PAX shared what's up in their lives. Thanks for your transparency, ladies!

Announcements:Buy some FiA gear! #placergear

FiA Placer's 2 year anniversary is July 24! Join us for fun themed workouts that week and a Bbq on Friday 7/28 #fiaplacerevents



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