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Backblast January 12, 2024 (The Stampede)

Q: Renaissance

PAX: @Anchor @Cupcake @Candy Striper @Barista @Masai @Fort Knox @Nomad- Regional Q @Cross-X - Social Q @QueenB @PhoenixWarm up: Phelps, arm circles, mosey, karaoke, high skipsThe thang:

Partial deck of cards.

Value of card determines reps: 10=10+lap, J=15, Q=20, K=25, A=30.

Suit sets the exercise:

Spades = single leg step ups, do one leg all reps first, then other.

Diamonds = dips

Clubs = incline push up with shoulder taps

Hearts = Russian twists (weight optional), 2=1

First person done chooses an exercise to keep active/warm for everyone to do until last person done. Then flip next card over.Got thru almost the whole deck!Name-o-rama

Announcements: Convergence, Sprinkle, Olympics

COT (or CO2, ha!): I've been coming a few weeks and every single time have appreciated the WELCOME, ENCOURAGEMENT, and POSITIVITY of everyone in the group. It is something we need more of everywhere and spending time with you helps me think of how I can do that better in other areas of my life. Thank you!



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