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Backblast August 5, 2023 (The Torch)

VQ: @Jigsaw Site Q: @Spartan


10 Forward Little Arm Circles

10 Reverse Little Arm Circles

10 Overhead Claps

10 Seal Claps

10 Jumping Jacks

Mosey around the islands in parking lot as a group

Tire Drag Dora - One partner drags tire around island while other partner does exercise, then switch.

75 Jump Squats

75 Monkey Humpers

150 Shoulder Taps 2:1

200 Mountain Climbers 2:1

250 Donkey Kicks 1:1 (125 each leg)

300 Curb Step-Ups 2:1

Pick up 6 -and others hold squat for everyone to finishMosey around islands as a group AB CRUSHER X1

50 plank jacks

50 LBC’s

50 Bicycles

50 Reverse Crunches

50 Flutter Kicks 2:1

50 Narwhals (25 ea leg)

50 BGC’s

50 Russian Twists

COT:It’s been a challenging week due to work and school, more stressful than a typical week; I’ve been working on seeing things more as cup half full versus half empty and finding positives in the chaos, which in turn has made the week feel more manageable. Reminding ourselves to focus on the positives and not let the negatives run/ruin the day is my reminder to everyone. Thank you to all you ladies for coming out to my VQ!!! I appreciate the support!!! Post any pics you ladies got today!! I know @Green Gables - Social Media Q was snapping some pics!!!



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