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Backblast August 25, 2023 (The Stampede)

Warm up:

Leg & arm stretches on your own

Rockettes x10

Jumping jacks x10

Michael Phelps x10

The Thang:

Travel the world!

Complete exercises listed at each area and mosey to the next one.

SOUTH AMERICA (top of the stairs)

-10 Machu Picchu climbers

ASIA (far side of the workout area)

-10 Russian twists

-20 Machu Picchu climbers

AUSTRALIA (top of the stairs)

-10 kangaroos (4 count High Knee, hands tapping your knees, then a full squat. This is one rep.)

-20 Russian twists

-30 Machu Picchu climbers

ANTARCTICA (far side of the workout area)

-10 polar bear crawl/penguin walks

-20 kangaroos

-30 Russian twists

-40 Machu Picchu climbers

Mosey to mats for Ab-o-rama.

Around the world legs

10 right forward lunges, 10 squats, 10 right side lunges, 10 squats, 10 reverse right lunges, 10 squats, 10 reverse left lunges, 10 squats, 10 left side lunges, 10 squats, 10 left front lunges, 10 squats.

Go back to Antarctica and Australia.

COT: I’ve been dealing with some body image/self-esteem issues lately and have been preaching to myself that “comparison is the thief of joy.” Whether it’s body image, career, money, mothering, etc. comparing ourselves to others (or even to the past versions of ourselves!) robs us of the joy we can find in the blessings we do have and our worth that’s not found in outward things.


Sunday 8/27: Ruck; info on Events channel and HC to carpool

Wednesday 8/30: Bookclub at Barista’s house; info on Bookclub channel



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