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Backblast August 23, 2023 (The Salon)

Q: Cupcake PAX: @QueenB @Phoenix @Brick @Fort Knox @Crumpet @Grit @Mistletoe (former FNG)

Mission Statement and 5 Core Principles

Mosey to the upper parking lot

-Parking Space Tracer x5 each direction -Glitch

  • Restart from the beginning before moving to the next exercise

  1. Forward Arm Circles x23

  2. Backward Arm Circles x23

  3. Rockettes x23 (2=1)

  4. Michael Phelps x23

Mosey to baseball diamond-7 of Diamonds (shortened)

  • Skip between bases

  1. Burpees x7

  2. Jump Squats x14

  3. Froggers x21

  4. Merkins x28

Mosey to coupons Partner carry a coupon to the back fence-Dora w/ coupons

  • Overhead Presses x50

  • Russian Twists x50

  • Goblet Squats x50

Return coupons and mosey back to flag


Philippians 2:4 "Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others."As the new Site Q of The Salon, I plan to remain missional and maintain the dedication to help other "women become stronger in all areas of our lives through activities that include bodies, minds, and hearts." To me, this means creating and helping others create workouts that can allow each woman to grow stronger in the best way possible for them. Being able to challenge the 12 and the 6 at the same time. Reminding everyone that modifications are encouraged when necessary "to prevent injury but not to prevent growth." Be encouraging in my words and actions, so, hopefully, PAX will leave the workout knowing they are loved and supported. I want to help you ladies be the best versions of yourselves, as you have helped me start to become the best version of myself



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