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Backblast August 09, 2023 (The Salon)

Q: Nomad PAX: @Cupcake @QueenB @Brick Butterfly @Brontë- Accountability Q GRIT- Former FNG

Warm-up Michael Phelps Arm swing (aka reverse erg-thanks @Cupcake ) Hip openers (5 each side) Windmills (10) 1 is 1 Skaters (10) 1 is 1

The Thang First exercise 30 secs, second exercise 60 seconds, then 10 pushups between each set

Set 1

  1. Squats / reverse lunge

  2. Burpee / bicep 45 degree curl

  3. Renegade row/ weighted glute press

  4. Sparky crab / plank

  5. Mountain climber / weighted dead bug

  6. Skater / shoulder press

  7. Jump Squats/ kettle bell throw

  8. Flutter/ Superman

Run a lap when all 8 complete

Repeat – switch order

  1. Squats / reverse lunge

  2. Burpee / bicep 45 degree curl

  3. Renegade row/ weighted glute press

  4. Sparky crab / plank

  5. Mountain climber / weighted dead bugs

  6. Flutter/ Superman

We finished with 130 push-ups!! Way to go!!


Name-a-Rama Announcements: Book Club check #fiabookclub channel for details Ruck on 8/27 Quarry Trail

COT- I saw a quote recently that talked about the impact mothers have on their daughters when the body shame themselves. So many times our daughters are told “You look so much like your mom”. If the image they have picked up is that their mom feels “too ugly” and “too fat” they will start to also view themselves that way. Women are so quick to be critical and tear themselves down. As women we need to come together to lift each other up. I love that FiA continues to do that for me. I love that we keep growing and adding to our CA regions. CA is on fire in a good way. Keep spreading the love of FiA and empowering other women in your lives.



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